
Posts Tagged ‘time management’

I am so incredibly proud to announce our March Stylist of the Month! Ericka Martinez has been a stylist for nearly two years. Ericka has hit some bumps, run into some walls, and had to put on the brakes a couple times, but her confidence, tenacity and overall attitude have helped to launch her to the top of her game. Ericka beat her best in March by hosting five trunk shows – landing her in the top 5 in sales on the Haughty Dotties team! I couldn’t be more proud of you, Ericka, and I’m so blessed to be able to call you my friend.

Quick Facts:

Ericka Martinez
City/State: Placentia, Ca
Career Rank: Stylist
Start Date: 4/14/ 2009
Jump Start Earned: $0

Q & A:

Q: Your 2-year Stella-versary is coming up on 4/14. CONGRATS! What do you love most about your Stella & Dot business?
A: I love that Stella and Dot is on it’s way to becoming a household name! It’s a brand that I am definitely proud to represent for it’s quality and irresistibility. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime, and I’m excited to be a part of that!

Q: You had an incredible March with 5 trunk shows and over $5,000 in sales! Who were your 5 hostesses and how did you approach them to have a trunk show?
A: A few were mommy friends from my daughter’s school, a family friend, and a client I had met last year in May. (She is my new stylist I signed up this month-Tracy Taylor:))

Q: You have been pretty consistent in doing about 1-2 trunk shows per month. But now you are doing 4-5 shows per month. Have your goals changed? Why are you shifting gears?
A: I have always believed in Stella and Dot ,but I’ve also been a firm believer in building quality relationships over time. Whether it be personal or business relationships, I like to cotinuously work at it even if it’s at a slow pace. The fruits of my labor have paid off and Hostess’ are now contacting me, so I take every opportunity!

Q: What have you found challenging as a stylist and how have you overcome it?
A: Everytime I approached someone I did not want to come off as this sales girl, so I decided to change my mentality and really think of myself as a stylist! Every experience was a learning opportunity to grow personally and professionally. With experience comes confidence, and I’ve learned not to take things personally.

Q: Any tips for juggling the work/life balance?
A: Still working on that …lol! Being a stay-at-home mom, everyday can be unpredictable. Erin and I always have this conversation. Time management is huge and it’s still a work in progress. 🙂

Q: If you could give a new stylist only 3 tips, what would they be?
A: 1.) Start building relationships and take an appropriate opportunity to mention your excitement about Stella and Dot. 2.) Time Management – Determine what days you want to do Trunk Shows. I usually like to recommend Thursday or Friday evenings, it’s less overwhelming when you are looking at a whole month of planning. It makes it easier to suggest a few dates. A great selling point about Thursday is that people are looking forward to the weekend and are able to make more of a commitment because weekends are usually crazy for most with families. You’d be surprised at how many people are ready to unwind by Thursday and have some cocktails! 😉 and 3.) My favorite place to shop is Nordstrom! My experience as a customer has taught me a lot about how I like to be treated. Be polite, attentive, and geniunely interested/concerned about their needs. Go the extra mile whether it be a sale, exchange, or return.

Q: What’s something that you’ve learned over the last 2 years that you wish you knew when you first started?
A: To not take “no” personally! It never hurts to ask.

Q: If a Stylist wanted to duplicate your sales success, what would you tell her (or him)?
A: Figure out your style and play with it. Find a few key pieces that you are really comfortable with and show ther versatility, layering, etc. Check out magazines and read up on the latest trends. From trendsetters to conservatives- be prepared to have something in mind, it will help build your professionalism and expertise. There are always a few pieces that sell really well or complement each other. Layering is the ultimate fashion statement, so model different ways and they will sell on their own. Focus on a few affordabe price points. ( Everyday pieces people will enjoy…. revival bracelet, soiree studs, sun disc earrings, vintage twists).

Q: What’s your next goal with Stella & Dot? What’s your one-year goal?
A. Star Stylist! One-year…let me think about??? lol I know what Erin wants me to say:) I will say this, I don’t ever give up and whatever I commit to I give it 150%.

Q: You have attended Hoopla in the past – Do you recommend a Stylist go this year? Why?
A: Yes, it’s a testimony of what you can achieve! If you work hard, then you play hard

Q: What is a favorite Hoopla memory?
A: The overwhelming feeling I had being in a room full of such inspiring, classy women, and thinking “This is it!”

Now… For the Fun Stuff!
Q: If you were an ice cream flavor, what would you be and why?
A: Pralines and Cream! It always reminds me of my childhood Birthdays 🙂

Q: Cookie or brownie? Cake or pie?
A: Brownies!

Q: Favorite place you’ve ever visited and why?

A: Vegas! I never get enough of it! lol

Q: Finish this sentence: When I was a little girl, I dreamed of….
A: being a fashion designer.

Q: If you were a Stella & Dot piece of jewelry, what would you be and why?
A:  The vintage twist in gold- it complements everyone, and one is never enough! :0)

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When I was in school, I commuted about 45 minutes to and from college about 3 times per week. I had nearly an hour of “dead time” that I ended up using as my business hours. I utilized this “dead time” by scheduling my booking calls and my coaching calls within this time frame. It took some planning and structure, but it helped to grow my business in the long run. If you commute to work, drive around town for kids’ activities or just have a day where you seem to always be running errands, take the opportunity to utilize this “dead time” on the road. Here’s how…..

Booking Calls — Keep a running list of your potential hostesses  and give them a ring when you’re on the move. Write down their name, phone number and how you met them and don’t forget to include little notes when you call them, such as “Left Message” or “On her way to dentist, call her on Thursday AM.”

Sponsoring Calls — This is exactly how I talked to a handful of you! The minute I transitioned onto the freeway, I’d dial you up and talk to you about the opportunity.  Don’t be afraid to be persistent – I talked to stylist Michelle Gallagher every month from June to November about signing up… And now she’s a Star Stylist! Keep a running list of those people who have expressed interest (just like you do with your hostesses) above and reach out every 3 or 4 weeks.

Coaching Calls — If you know you’ll be in the car for more than 30 minutes, schedule a coaching call with a few of your girls. If one team member needs a pick-me-up, call her. If a group of 3 or 4 team members need to figure out logistics for an upcoming event, call them on your commute. Heck, you should even call a few stylists and tell them that they mean a lot to you and you’re happy to have them on your team.

“Seed” Calls — A “seed” call is something you do with someone who hasn’t necessarily expressed interest in Stella & Dot. Perhaps it’s your sister who “doesn’t  do the party thing.” Maybe it’s your college roommate who keeps asking you about “your little jewelry hobby” or maybe it’s a friend who doesn’t think she “has what it takes to be a stylist.” During your commute home — usually after a trunk show — you should call them to chat and catch up. Naturally, you will share that you’re in the car, on your way home from a show…. But here’s where the “seed” comes in: Mention that you had so much fun at your trunk or that your hostess just got $350 in free jewelry or say how much fun it was to hang out with Sally Sue’s friends or say that you loved getting away from the kids for a few hours for some adult conversation. Whatever it is, gear it toward that person. You don’t need to follow-up with anything else regarding Stella & Dot, just start talking as you normally would… but you just planted the seed that may sprout some interest eventually.

* Note: You could also use this time to make customer service calls or follow-up with your trunk show guests, but I tend to do this during my office hours. I’m much more focused when behind closed doors and it is quiet with no distractions. Plus, if they want to exchange, return or purchase something, I’m at my computer and can be “at-the-ready” for them. *

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